(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2020.05.07 2019고단3651



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for two years.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal power] On June 22, 2017, the Defendant was sentenced to a maximum of one year of imprisonment with prison labor for an injury, etc. in the Vice-Support of the Incheon District Court, and on October 31, 2017, the Defendant terminated the execution of the sentence in the Incheon Detention House on June 20, 2018.

【Criminal Facts】

around 02:35 on July 19, 2019, the Defendant confirmed the circumstances of the instant case by separating it from one another in order to prevent the fighting of the Defendant and the other party, and changed according to the police control, and caused the said D’s chest by hand to be pushed down one stop and drink one time on the front side of the Bupyeong-si Police Station C District of the Bupyeong-si Police Station, Bupyeongcheon-gu, Seoul (Seoul, 39 years old), and E (Nam, 30 years old), which was called up after receiving a report on the occurrence of the instant case.

The Defendant continued to be arrested as a flagrant offender of violence and obstruction of performance of official duties and on board the patrol vehicle and moved to the C zone, asked about about two weeks of the above E's right blusium to E, thereby damaging the blusity of the following arms, which requires approximately two weeks of medical treatment.

As a result, the Defendant committed violence against police officers D and E, thereby obstructing legitimate performance of duties concerning handling 112 reported cases and arresting flagrant offenders, and at the same time inflicting injury on E.

On August 11, 2019, the Defendant: (a) around 01:30 on August 11, 2019, the victim H (53 years of age, south) who is a business owner in the G located in Bupyeong-si F and the third floor, and (b) had a dispute over the drinking price, and (c) had a large amount of 70,00 won in the market price of the carbr while the carbr had a dispute, the Defendant laid off the floor by pushing the G's outer wall at the floor, followed by selling the food at one time, and had customers feel uneasy.

Accordingly, the Defendant interfered with the victim's sing clubs operation for about 20 minutes by force.

The defendant of "2019 Highly 3995" is a person who is a senior soldier of the victim I (a person, a woman, 17 years of age).

On August 6, 2019, at around 23:51 on August 23:51, 2019, the injured party is from the time when the injured party is "the accused."