(영문) 인천지방법원 2014.08.22 2013가합30727



1. The defendant shall list the designated parties of the plaintiff (appointed parties) and the designated parties listed in the separate sheet No. 1 in the annexed sheet No. 2.


1. Basic facts

A. The defendant is a company with the purpose of passenger transport service, etc., and the plaintiff and the designated parties (hereinafter "the plaintiff et al.") enter the defendant company on the corresponding date in the "date of death" list of the cited amount in attached Form 2, and have been employed as an urban bus driver by the defendant until now.

B. The contents of a collective agreement and wages paid to the employees belonging to the Defendant are determined in accordance with the collective agreement, wage table, etc. concluded between the Defendant and the labor union. The main contents of the collective agreement applied from April 1, 2010 to March 31, 2013 pertaining to the instant case are as follows.

209 Collective Agreement 1) Work Hours and Work System - Work Hours shall, in principle, be 40 hours a week, but may be extended by up to 56 hours a week.- - Work Hours shall be 50 days a week (40 hours a week) working on the 5th (40 hours a week) working on the 2nd day a month, and shall be 22 full hours a month. - Work Hours shall be paid a total of 19 hours (19 hours a week to the 12:30 hours a day following the following day) against the 19th day and after the 10th day a week. - Legal allowances for overtime and night work shall be paid to the 40 hours a week working on the 40th day. 2) Bonuses a company shall pay 600% of the annual basic pay to its members (drivers) in twelve installments a week.

- The full bonus shall be paid at least 50 per cent of the working day of the relevant quarter and those who fall short of the bonus shall not be paid.

3. Continuous service allowances - Senior service allowances: 10,000 won shall be additionally paid every year.

- The following vacations: 100,000 leave allowances shall be paid when a partner submits a vacation plan during July and August each year.

- Annual leave: the Company shall grant 15 days’ paid leave to workers who have worked not less than 80 percent of a year, and one day’s paid leave to workers who have worked not more than one year for a month;

With respect to workers who have worked continuously for not less than three years, the number of consecutive years of employment exceeding the first one year shall be two years from the number of days of leave of the said 15 days.