(영문) 울산지방법원 2015.04.08 2013가합4735



1. For the plaintiffs:

A. Defendant (Appointed), Appointed D, and Appointed E are each real estate listed in the separate sheet, b.


1. Basic facts

A. While the P Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “P”) newly built O buildings and registered ownership preservation P Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “P”) had failed to pay the construction cost properly to the construction business operators who participated in the new construction of the 1st underground and the 6th above ground structures on Ulsan-gu Q on the ground of Ulsan-gu Q, Ulsan-gu, but did not properly pay the construction cost, upon the application of R’s provisional attachment, which is the creditor of P, registration of ownership preservation of the above O building was completed on October 27, 200

B. From 2006 to 2007, the registration of the entry of the decision on voluntary commencement of auction was completed on December 1, 2009 by applying for the voluntary auction of each of the instant real estate to Ulsan District Court T with the Ulsan District Court T with respect to each of the instant real estate, which was part of the instant O buildings, as the P’s obligee S had completed the registration of establishment of each of the instant real estate, and as P failed to repay its debts to S.

C. On January 201, the remaining Defendants, other than H, and three others, reported the right of retention to the effect that there exists a claim for construction price of KRW 1.796 billion in total at the above auction procedure, and accordingly, the remainder of the real estate except for the real estate stipulated in Articles 6, 10, 19, and 20 is being retained.

The plaintiffs to sell each of the instant real estate were owners of each of the instant real estate by purchasing each of the instant real estate at the above auction procedure on April 1, 201 and completing the registration of ownership transfer on the same day.

E. On June 21, 201, the Defendants filed an application for voluntary auction based on the lien with U.S. District Court for each of the instant real estate with U.S. The Defendants filed an application for voluntary auction on August 21, 201, and on August 19, 201, the designated parties L, H, N, F, E, E, and one other filed an application for voluntary auction with U.S. Supreme Court V on August 19, 201 for a portion of each of the instant real estate (except for each of the instant real estate) and 27 real estate different from that of the instant real estate at the Ulsan District Court V. 2) at the time of the application for voluntary auction.