(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.12.03 2014고단3973




A shall be punished by imprisonment for six months, by a fine of 2,00,000 won.


B The above fine.


Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A, E, F, and G’s joint criminal conduct committed an act in collusion with the Defendant Company A to take advantage of the key of the “J” and the entrance door of the “K” located in the wife population I at H and to take custody of the two goods inside the said shop, thereby having the Defendant take part in the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the commission of the act.


A와 E, F, G은 2014. 6. 14. 14:00경 위 ‘J’에서, F은 망을 보고 피고인 A와 E, G은 E이 가지고 있던 열쇠로 가게 문을 열고 들어가 가게 내부에 보관되어 있던 가게 전 운영자인 피해자 L 소유의 오픈쿨러 1대, 포스계산기 1대, 일반컴퓨터 1대, 철제 상품진열대 3개 등 시가 합계 750만 원 상당의 물품을 미리 연락하여 대기시켜 놓은 B가 운영하는 M 소속 트럭에 옮겨 싣고 가 절취하였다.

Accordingly, Defendant A stolen another’s property jointly with E, F, and G.

B. Defendant A, E, F, and G: at the same time at “K”; at the same time, Defendant A, E, F, and G, and at the same time, they stolen three air conditioners, which were owned by the victim N, including three air conditioners, one air conditionerscom, and electric equipment, with the total market value of KRW 1.50,000,000, on the truck belonging to M.

Accordingly, Defendant A stolen another’s property jointly with E, F, and G.

2. Defendant B is a person who operates a waste collection and transportation company, such as scrap iron, in the name of “M” in the wife populationO in the Republic of Korea at the permissible time.

피고인은 2014. 6. 14. 15:00경 위 ‘J’과 ‘K’ 앞 노상에서, 위 A의 연락을 받고 M 소속 트럭을 이용하여 위 E, A, G, F이 절취한 피해자 L 소유인 오픈쿨러 1대, 포스계산기 1대, 일반컴퓨터 1대, 철제 상품진열대 3개 등 물품과 피해자 N 소유인 에어컨 냉매 3개, 에어컨 컴프 1개, 전기자재 등 물품들을 싣고 와 매수하게 되었다.

In such cases, wastes;