(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.12.18 2014노3082



The prosecutor's appeal is dismissed.


The summary of the grounds for appeal (e.g., 7 million won) of the lower court’s sentencing (e.g., 7 million won) is deemed unreasonable.

In light of the contents, motive, etc. of the crime of this case, there is no good character of the crime, and there is a number of records that the defendant committed the crime of this case without being aware of during the period of suspension of execution due to the crime of injury, and that the defendant was punished due to the crime of injury, etc., which are disadvantageous to the defendant.

However, considering the degree of assault against police officers E and the degree of interference with the performance of official duties, the above police officers did not focus on the degree of assault against police officers E and the degree of interference with the performance of official duties, the fact that the Defendant recognized the mistake and reflects the Defendant, and all other circumstances that form the conditions for the sentencing specified in the instant case, the lower court’s sentencing cannot be deemed unfair because it is too uneasible

Therefore, the prosecutor's appeal is dismissed in accordance with Article 364 (4) of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is so decided as per Disposition.