(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2019.11.26 2019가단44843

면책확인의 소


1. The principal amount of the Plaintiff’s principal to the Defendant is KRW 3,273,00, interest thereon, and other expenses.


1. The Defendant, indicating the claim, asserts to the Plaintiff the claim such as the principal amount of KRW 3,273,00, interest thereon, and other expenses.

However, the Plaintiff was declared bankrupt as the District Court 2019Hadan539, which became final and conclusive on August 7, 2019 by the above court 2019No539, which became final and conclusive on July 23, 2019.

The plaintiff omitted the defendant's above claims in preparing the list of creditors in the above procedure, but this is not caused by bad faith, and the above exemption decision does not affect the above claim.

Therefore, the Plaintiff seeks confirmation against the Defendant that the Plaintiff’s liability against the Defendant was exempted.

2. Judgment with no ground for pleading (Article 208 (3) 1 of the Civil Procedure Act);