(영문) 서울고등법원 2014.05.09 2014노703



The defendant's appeal is dismissed.


1. The sentence imposed by the court below (three years and six months of imprisonment) is too unreasonable.

2. The following are the circumstances favorable to the Defendant: (a) the Defendant’s recognition of all of the instant crimes and reflects in depth; and (b) the degree of indecent act in the crime of indecent act by compulsion is not serious.

On the other hand, the Defendant’s crime of indecent act by compulsion was committed by indecent act by compulsion over several occasions under the pretext of stopping the victim, who is a female employee, into the office of the Defendant, by force after taking advantage of his superior position as employer, and her total amount of damage was extremely poor; ② the victim, who is a female employee under 26 years of age, caused considerable sexual humiliation due to the crime of indecent act by compulsion, appears to have caused mental shock; ③ the crime of indecent act by indecent act by compulsion up to 4 weeks, which was committed by the victim with the face of the victim who was suffering from the problem of delayed payment of wage; ④ The crime of indecent act by indecent act by indecent act by indecent act by indecent act by compulsion of 1.6 years of age from 16,69 million won to 200 won; ⑤ The Defendant committed the crime of indecent act by compulsion of 1.6 years to 1.6 years of age to 25 million won from 2.6 years of age to 1.6 years of age to 25 million won, respectively.