(영문) 인천지방법원 부천지원 2018.05.04 2018고단64



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than four years and six months.


Punishment of the crime

성명 불상자( 위 챗 닉네임 ‘C’) 는 불상의 장소에서 국내에 있는 피해자들에게 전화하여 경찰이나 검찰 수사관 혹은 금융감독원 직원 행세를 하면서 피해자들이 사용하는 계좌가 사기 범행에 연루되었다고 거짓말하여 피해자들 로 하여금 계좌에 있는 돈을 인출하여 검찰 수사관이나 금융감독원 직원 행세를 하는 다른 조직원들에게 전달하도록 하는 보이스 피 싱 사기 범행조직을 운영하는 사람이다.

On June 2015, the defendant would like to give 3% of the amount that the defendant could have been able to make up for the cash collection or cash delivery to another person who is directed by the victims of the cash that the victims had been withdrawn as if the police officer or prosecutor's investigator was the victims who met the victims and the victims were sent to the police officer or prosecutor's investigator.

In order to comply with the proposal, ‘The proposal', and to attract the above-mentioned person to commit the crime, and enter Korea on June 25, 2015 for the crime.

According to the above public offering, the name infinite is E who works for the financial supervisory division of the prosecution's office on July 13, 2015 by telephone to the victim D at a non-odin place on July 13, 2015

If we withdraw cash and deliver the money to the criminal defendant sent by us because the passbook in the name of the party is used for the crime by theft, we will recover the money to the National Treasury and return it again when the investigation is completed.

“Falsely speaking, the victim made the victim withdraw KRW 40 million in cash deposited in the account in the victim’s name at the same location of the savings bank, one savings bank located in the upper Dong-dong of 11:33 on the same day.

피고인은 위챗을 통해 성명 불상 자로부터 지시를 받고 2015. 7. 13. 15:00 경 부천시 소사구 괴 장동에 있는 홈 플러스 부근 도로에서 F 형사인 것처럼 행세하면서 피해자를 만 나 피해 자로부터 현금 4,000만 원을...