(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2017.07.25 2017고단957



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than ten months.

The number of the higher-ranking branch offices of the Suwon District Public Prosecutor's Office (No. 652 shall be the year of pressure in 2017.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendant: (a) from around 18:00 on April 15, 2017 to around 20:50, the 7th floor of the Mayang-gu Buildings C, Mayang-gu, Mayang-gu, D; (b) opened by means of a family line with a male escape room No. 27, which had a device for correcting right boxes within the Manyang-gu, Manyang-gu; and (c) took 34,000 won in cash on the wall of the victim E in

L. A. L. theft was committed.

2. The defendant shall open at the time, time, and place, set forth in paragraph (1) in the same manner as paragraph (1) 1, to take 81,000 won in cash from the wall owned by the victim F, which is located in the victim's room.

L. A. L. theft was committed.

3. The defendant shall open at the time, time, and place of paragraph (1) in the same manner as paragraph (1) 1,20,000 won in cash from the wall owned by the victim G, which is located in the victim's room.

L. A. L. theft was committed.

4. On April 25, 2017, the Defendant opened from around 20:21 to 23:09 Between 23:09, 70,000 won in cash from the wallet owned by the victim J, which was opened in the manner of paragraph (1) of this Article, to the “I” located on the H and 5th floor of Sinpo-si, Sinpo-si, Sinpo-si, and to the “I”, and in the same manner as Paragraph (1) of this Article

L. A. L. theft was committed.

5. The defendant opens at the time and place of paragraph 4 in the same manner as paragraph 1 paragraph 3, driving license 1, 2C card 1, 650,000 won in cash, 8, 100 US dollars 1, 50, 1, 50 US$ 1, 260,000 in the market price, and 1,000 won in the amount of the non-speced 1,00 won in the non-speced 3, 260,000 won in the non-speced 1,00 won in the non-speced speced 1,00 won.

L. A. L. theft was committed.

6. The defendant shall open at the time, time, and place in paragraph (4) 17,00 won in cash from the wallet owned by the victim, which is located within such opening, in the same manner as paragraph (1) of this Article, of objects No. 139 of the male escape room.

L. A. L. theft was committed.

Summary of Evidence

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Written statements of each victim of J, K, L, E, F, and G;

1. Application of seizure records and statutes concerning the list of seizure;

1. Article 329 of the Criminal Act and Article 329 of the Criminal Act and selection of punishment for the crime
