(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.10.16 2015고단4349




A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for ten months and by imprisonment for eight months, respectively.

However, this judgment is delivered against Defendant B.


Punishment of the crime


A is a person who has been in a relationship with E from January 2015 to March 2015, and Defendant B is a relative of Defendant A and his father.


A around 08:00 on April 27, 2015, after assaulting E and destroying a mobile phone, it did not lead to the agreement of E, and Defendant B proposed to the effect that “I would like to see that I would have sexual intercourse with E as if I were rape due to the cruelness of E, I would like to divide E into one million won and divide E,” and Defendant B conspired to report as if E had raped.


A은 2015. 4. 28. 02:00경 서울 관악구 F에 있는 피고인들의 주거지에서 휴대폰 수리비를 지급하겠다면서 만난 E를 집안으로 데려가 함께 술을 마신 다음 E를 유혹하여 성행위를 하면서 귓속말로 “상황극을 하자. 내가 술 취한 척 하겠다. 나를 때리면서 해달라.”고 속삭인 후 마치 E가 자신을 강간하고 있는 것처럼 연기하고, 피고인 B은 복층 구조로 되어 있는 위 주거지 위층에서 휴대폰 카메라를 이용하여 피고인 A과 E의 성관계 장면을 몰래 촬영하였다.


A means that E returned home at around 04:00, and Defendant B called the 112 reporting center on a mobile phone, and Defendant B took a mobile phone to report that “The former male-gu in the friendal Gu drink drinking alcohol to his son and forced rape. They have her friended so that they could have been raped. The male-gu in the friendal Gu and her friended so that they could have taken a friendal image.” The male-gu in the friendal police station G police station located in the Seoul, the G police station located in the police station, and the police officer I called “A” before Defendant B friended on the floor and friended drinking alcohol with her house because the agreement on the assault case was reached by the male-gu E who was about about 100 days in the frienda, and friended with her house and talked with her house.