(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2013.05.15 2012고합1371




A Imprisonment with prison labor for three years and for two years, respectively.

However, from the date this judgment became final and conclusive, Defendant.


Punishment of the crime


A is the representative director of H (hereinafter “H”) established for the purpose of selling Nowon-gu, etc., and Defendant B was the head of the “AB” team of the above company from September 201 to June 201, 201 and was in exclusive charge of the opening of services as AB.

When the victim KT Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “victim Co., Ltd.”) provides radio Internet hub services to subscribers who agreed to purchase Nowon-do and pay the monthly cost of Nowon-do for the period of 24 months to 36 months, the victim Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “victim Co., Ltd.”) provided preferential services to subscribers, the victim Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “victim Co., Ltd.”) provided not only the principal of the Nowon-do’s unit but also the service opening subsidy to the agency after verifying the purchase and payment of the Nowon-do unit by the number of the Nowon-do unit that was


On September 13, 2010, A entered into a contract with the victim company for the consignment agency with the victim company on or around September 13, 2010, entered into a new "Abro team" that takes exclusive charge of the opening of the service as a hub, employed the defendant B, and applied for a false purchase of the victim company's brob services by taking over the subscription documents from subordinate solicitors, such as I, and then sold the frobane to a distributor at a lower price than the market price to be paid to the subscriber, and acquired the frobrox principal, etc. from the victim company by demanding the settlement of the purchase price of the fropt.

Accordingly, on December 28, 2010, the Defendants: (a) in collusion with subordinate solicitors I (mutual name J) in order, and (b) around December 28, 2010, I received a document to subscribe to services under the condition that I would pay a certain amount of money to K who reported Internet microcredit advertisements, etc.; and (c) Defendant B would transfer the document to the Defendant.