(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.11.28 2013고단5677



1. Defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and six months, by imprisonment for one year and by imprisonment for one year, and by imprisonment for eight months, respectively.



Punishment of the crime

around March 2013, Defendant A, B, and C had the ownership of Defendant B’s 402 J building in the Jung-gu Seoul Special Metropolitan City of Gyeonggi-gu around March 2013, Defendant A forged a false housing lease contract as if Defendant A had a lease deposit claim against the said I. Defendant B was able to act as the lessor himself/herself as the lessor, and Defendant C conspired to borrow money from the victim as collateral for the above lease deposit return claim.

1. Forgery of private documents by the defendant A, B, and C;

A. On March 2013, 2013, Defendant A committed the fabrication of multi-family house lease agreement: (a) on the column for the location of the file for the “multi-family house” modeled from Defendant B, using a computer at the Y of “L” in Gangnam-gu Seoul, Seoul; (b) on the land category column, 230.4; (c) on the column for land category, 107.79; (d) on the leased part column, 107.79; (c) on the deposit column, i.e., [10,00,00”; (d) on the deposit column, i.e., the Gu KRW 402, which was paid at the time of the contract; and (e) on the balance column, i.e., the name and address of the lessor at the time of the contract; and (e) on the name and address of the lessor at the 10th of the Gangnam-gu Seoul Metropolitan Government, i.e., the name and address at the 20th column.

Accordingly, the above Defendants are related to the rights and duties for the purpose of exercising them in collusion.