A Imprisonment for two years, Defendant C, E, and F shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and six months, and Defendant D shall be punished by imprisonment for one year and one year.
Punishment of the crime
"2013 Highest 4322"
1. Joint criminal conduct by Defendant A and Defendant B
A. According to the Guideline for the Operation of Preliminary Technology Startup Business Startup Project, the Small and Medium Business Administration’s “Preliminary Startup Business Startup Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start
A person qualified to participate in a technology founder may receive 70% of the project cost from a major institution under the "Guidelines for the Operation of Promotion Projects of Preliminary Technology Starters" in the case of a retired or unemployed business operator, who wishes to start a business within one year from the date of the agreement, a person scheduled to start a business within one year from the date of the agreement among those who can prepare for start-up by giving more than a certain period of time at night, attending school, etc. in the case of an employed person, or a representative of a small or medium business operator within six months from the date of public announcement, who is selected as a technology founder.
Meanwhile, according to the "Guidelines for Promotion of Preliminary Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-Up Business Start-up Business Start-up Business Start-up Business Start-up Business Start-up Business Start-up Business Start-up Business Start-Up Business Start-up Plan, persons
A is a person who actually operates several companies, such as M, (State) N, (State), (State), (State), P, Q, and (State) R, and Defendant B, as a representative director of (State) N, operates (State) N together with Defendant A, subject to the direction of Defendant A, to bear the burden of business starters.