(영문) 수원지방법원 2014.02.12 2013고단7113




A and F shall be punished by imprisonment for one year, each of them shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

except that this judgment.


Punishment of the crime

1. The Defendants in violation of the Act on the Promotion of Gambling and Game Industry, in collusion with K and L, etc. residing in China, intended to open gambling by soliciting the main office, main office, main office, main office, office, office, store, and gambling workers, which are subordinate organizations, in operating the Internet gambling site, such as “M” (the previous game name is “N” and “O”), which is an Internet gambling site providing online gambling programs, such as “M” (the “M”).

Accordingly, as the president of the above Internet gambling site, K, as the president of the above Internet gambling site, performs the general management of the above Internet site and soliciting subordinate organizations, such as the domestic office building, etc., Defendant F, according to the direction of K, operated a call center in China, operated settlement management, and managed profits, and Defendant A and L play the role of managing the game money, which was sold to the Internet gambling businessman, and withdrawing cash, from August 2013, Defendant B, D, and E, and Defendant C, from November 25, 2013 to look at as if they participated in the above gambling site and play a game, they act as a normal gambling businessman and as if they were the gambling businessman.

On the other hand, K recruited P, a main contractor in the Jeonju area, recruited Q, and R, who is an employee, recruited to operate a call center, and let the address of the above Internet gambling site be delivered to subordinate gambling operators, and then offered 14% of the sales price generated each time in order for gambling operators to access the above site so that gambling is carried out such as a “bath,” etc., and then offered 14% of the sales price generated each time in order for gambling operators to go through gambling.