(영문) 수원지방법원안산지원 2017.09.27 2016가단72351



1. The Defendant: (a) KRW 55,354,214; (b) KRW 51,104,214; and (c) KRW 51,104,214; and each of the said money to Plaintiff A, from June 11, 2016 to June 2017.


1. 손해배상책임의 발생 및 범위 사실인정의 근거 : 갑 1∽7호증, 을 1호증(가지번호 포함)의 각 기재 또는 영상, 변론 전체의 취지

가. 손해배상책임의 발생 ▷C은 2016. 6. 11. 10:40경 D 아반떼 승용차(이하 ‘가해차량’)를 운전하여 화성시 E에 있는 F 식당 앞 도로를 기안교차로 쪽에서 수원역 쪽으로 편도 4차로 중 4차로로 불상의 속도로 진행하다가 졸음운전을 하면서 전방 주시를 게을리 한 과실로 우측 도로변에서 원고 A 소유 G 렉서스 승용차 차량 복원 작업을 지켜보고 있던 망 H을 가해차량 좌측 전면부로 들이 받아 출혈성쇼크 등으로 사망에 이르게 하였다.

▷C은 2017. 7. 14. 수원지방법원에서 금고 1년에 집행유예 2년을 선고받았고, 2016. 8. 18. 원고들과 위 형사사건에 관한 합의를 하고, 원고들에게 형사합의금조로 합계 4,250만 원을 지급하였다.

The plaintiffs are the deceased's children, and the defendant is the insurer who has concluded a comprehensive motor vehicle insurance contract for the household-employed vehicles.

Recognition of Liability: The defendant is the insurer of the household vehicle and is responsible for compensating for the damages suffered by the deceased and his bereaved family members.

The limitation of liability: The location of the accident in this case is the 4-lane road with the speed of 80 km a speed limit of 80 km a speed limit.

The Deceased requested I (the accident in this case) who parked a work vehicle on the road and maintained the vehicle restoration, etc. to restore the G car level, and the accident in this case occurred rather than complying.

Under the above circumstances, the deceased was negligent in neglecting his duty to pay attention to the progress of other vehicles, and such negligence was also caused by the occurrence of the instant accident and the expansion of damages.

Therefore, the defendant's liability is 85% by taking account of various circumstances, such as the background of the accident.