(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2018.10.18 2018고정152



A defendant shall be punished by a fine of 500,000 won.

When the defendant does not pay the above fine, 100,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant of "2018 High 152" is the head of the association of the apartment reconstruction association B.

The chairperson of a promotion committee for housing improvement projects or a project implementer (or an executive of a partnership, in cases of a partnership) shall make a joint disclosure of the minutes of the promotion committee, resident general meeting, general meeting of cooperatives, and the board of representatives or representatives' meeting for the implementation of the relevant improvement project, and public documents on the implementation of the relevant improvement project, etc. within 15 days from the preparation or modification thereof, and shall comply with such request within 15 days from the preparation or modification thereof so that the members, landowners, or tenants, such as the land, can be known, and where there is a request for inspection

Nevertheless, the Defendant:

1. The list of persons present at the extraordinary general meeting, written resolution, minutes, etc. shall not be disclosed on the Internet, etc. within 15 days of completion of the extraordinary meeting at the office of the former apartment reconstruction association of Ansan-si, which was around August 26, 2017;

2. Around September 12, 2017, the details of the use of KRW 4,510,707,520 deposited from C as of April 12, 2017, and the list of service contracts and employment OS employees related to the general assembly that was selected and appointed as executive officers on August 26, 2017, the list of the participants in the extraordinary general meeting that was appointed as executive officers of the association on August 26, 2017, and did not comply with C’s request for inspection and copying of “the minutes.”

The defendant of "2018 High 262" is the head of the association of the reconstruction project of the apartment zone B from August 26, 2017 to the head of the association.

Where an owner, such as a cooperative member or a land, requests perusal or reproduction of documents and related materials concerning the implementation of a rearrangement project, the chairperson of the promotion committee or the project implementer (in cases of a cooperative, referring to its representative, including a liquidator, where the owner of a cooperative, an urban environmental improvement project, etc. independently implements such project) shall comply

1. The Defendant: (a) at the office of the Housing Reconstruction Association of the former apartment building in Ansan-si on September 27, 2017, from C.