(영문) 수원지방법원 성남지원 2020.03.31 2019고단3058



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

On March 13, 2019, the Defendant received a proposal that “The Defendant would pay interest and principal to a loan if he/she wishes to obtain a loan.” The Defendant received a proposal that “The Defendant would pay a loan if he/she sent a cream card.”

However, around October 2017, the Defendant listened to the statement that “the Defendant would pay KRW 3 million per account when lending the e-mail card,” and promised Kwikset service to receive compensation by delivering the e-mail card connected to the account under the name of the Defendant and then lent the means of access. On May 14, 2018, the Defendant received a summary order of KRW 3 million from the e-mail branch branch of Suwon District Court to violate the Electronic Financial Transactions Act. On August 2018, 2018, the Defendant received a summary order of KRW 3 million from the e-mail branch of Suwon District Court for the violation of the Electronic Financial Transactions Act and received from the e-mail branch of the e-mail branch to the employee.” Upon receiving a proposal from the Defendant’s account, the Defendant was subject to criminal investigation by receiving the money of KRW 12 million from the e-mail branch to the Defendant’s account.

Therefore, the Defendant was aware that, if he delivered a e-mail card connected to the account in the name of the Defendant according to the proposal of the person without name, the e-mail card and the relevant account will be used for the scaming crime.

Nevertheless, on March 20, 2019, the Defendant: (a) issued Kwikset service provider who sent a physical card connected to Cbank D account under the name of the Defendant to the bearer of Kwikset who was named in the name of the Defendant; and (b) around that time, sent a physical card to Kwikseter who was named in the name of the Defendant.

As above, the person who was named in the name of the victim sent a text message to the victim E that he would give a loan on the same day after receiving the above physical card from the defendant and the victim reported the text message to the person who was named in the name.