(영문) 창원지방법원통영지원 2020.09.10 2020가합1567



1. Defendant C: (a) from March 1, 2020 to August 11, 2020, the amount of KRW 150,000 to the Plaintiff A as well as the amount of KRW 1,000.


Facts of recognition

The plaintiffs and the defendants are both married couple.

The borrowed money certificate: 150,000,000 the above amount shall be borrowed from the Plaintiff A of the E Apartment Telephone F Co., Ltd in Tong Young-gu, through through through, and shall be paid monthly interest on the KRW 1,000,000 per month on April 20, 201, the Plaintiff C, the representative of Dong Young-si, Dong Young-si, through through through, on April 20, 201, lent the interest of KRW 150,00,000 per month to Defendant C without an agreement on the time of repayment, and received a certificate of borrowed money issued by Defendant C on the same day.

(hereinafter referred to as “first loan”). The loan money: 200,000,000 won n.e., n., 200,000 won n.e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e.g., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., e., g.)., loan.

(hereinafter “Secondary Loan”). On October 28, 2019, Plaintiff B sent to Defendant C a content-certified mail stating that the sum of KRW 350,000,000,000 of the principal of the first and second loans shall be returned to the Plaintiff’s national bank account by December 31, 2019, and around that time, the content-certified mail sent to Defendant C.

The Defendants did not return the principal of the first and second loans to the Plaintiffs. From the date of the first and second loans to February 2020, the Defendants paid the interest and delay damages on the first and second loans in accordance with the agreement rate with the Plaintiff’s account in the Plaintiff’s name. However, from March 2020, the first and second loans are loans.