(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2012.12.11 2012고정1110



Defendant shall be punished by a fine of KRW 5,000,000.

If the defendant does not pay the above fine, 50,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

[2012 High Court Decision 1110]

1. On June 20, 201, the Defendant reported the fact that the victim D posted an article to the game account at “C,” which is an Internet item brokerage site, and agreed to purchase the account.

After that, the defendant sent e-mails in the name of the national bank that was fabricated as if he paid the victim the purchase cost of KRW 2,200,000 to transfer money to 2,220,000,000 to the victim, and then, the defendant purchased the items and the game account of KRW 2,20,000 from the victim by purchasing the items from C to Na and transfer them to Na, and acquired property profits equivalent to KRW 2,20,000 from 'C' by making a false statement.

2. On September 25, 2011, the Defendant reported the victim E’s writing that the game account is sold by the Internet item brokerage site, and provided that the account will be purchased by communicating with the victim E.

After that, the defendant sent e-mail in the name of the national bank, which was fabricated as if he paid the victim the purchase cost of KRW 5 million in the accounts and wired the remittance amount of KRW 7.2 million to the victim, and that e-mail was purchased from C to 2.2 million and acquired property profits equivalent to KRW 7.2 million from the victim by purchasing an item of KRW 2.2 million from C to Na and making a false statement.

3. On December 4, 2011, the Defendant: (a) reported the victim F's 'C', which is an Internet item brokerage site, to put an article on the game item, and made a contact with the victim F, thereby purchasing an item.

After that, the Defendant sent a false text message to the victim as if he remitted the purchase cost of an item of KRW 6 million, and then acquired the victim's pecuniary benefits by acquiring approximately KRW 6 million online game items from the victim.

4. On December 16, 201, the Defendant at “G”, an Internet item brokerage site, around 01:00.