(영문) 울산지방법원 2016.04.21 2015고단3311



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above sentence shall be suspended for a period of one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

The defendant is the father and father of the victim B (n, 15 years of age).

Adults, including the guardian of a child, shall not commit any physical abuse against the child's body or undermining the physical health and development of the child, and shall not commit any emotional abuse detrimental to the mental health and development of the child.

1. Violation of the Child Reinstatement Act (child abuse);

A. On February 2015, the Defendant called the victim under the influence of alcohol in the street near the “D Agricultural and Fishery Product Market” located in Ulsan-gu, Ulsan-gu, Seoul, around 19:00 on the first day of February 2015.

The victim was "," and the victim is going up to the house.

“I am a corner, I am this, and I am the victim at the above place, and am the victim “I am flick and go after the house” to the victim.

The term "the victim committed violence," such as "the victim's block at one time, the victim's hair, and 500 meters, leading the victim's hair."

B. On April 2015, the Defendant, at the residence of the Defendant located in Ulsandong-gu E, Ulsandong-gu, U.S. on the date of the end of the end of April 2015, entered the Defendant’s mother and dialogue with the Defendant’s mother, and “I do not have the nature of our three.”

”라고 소리치면서, 라이터에 불을 켠 후 피해자의 발에 가까이 대며 “ 니는 죽어야 된다 ”라고 겁을 주는 등 협박하였다.


On July 2015, at around 22:00, the Defendant, at the same place as the above Paragraph 2, on the first day of July 2015, 2015, her mother-child and went home, and the Defendant, under the influence of alcohol, told the Defendant that “the Defendant was off and off her clothes” was “the Defendant,” and the Defendant her head was faced with the Defendant’s windows.

As a result, the Defendant committed physical and emotional abuse that damages to the body of a child or damages to the physical health and development of the child, and that harms the mental health and development.

2. Violation of the Child Reinstatement Act (child abuse) and injury;