(영문) 대전지방법원 2014.01.16 2013노1744



All appeals by the Defendants are dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. Defendant A (1) misunderstanding of facts) Defendant A (hereinafter “Defendant A”) was unilaterally followed by B, and there was no fact that Defendant A was pushed ahead of B. 2) misunderstanding of legal principles.

Even if this is intended to oppose B's assault, the act of the defendant A constitutes self-defense.

3) Even if the defendant A was guilty of an unreasonable sentencing decision, in light of the circumstances of the instant case, the punishment of a fine of 500,000 won imposed by the court below is too unreasonable. (b) The defendant B was unilaterally made from the defendant B, and there was no fact that the defendant B merely inflicted an injury on A.

2) Although Defendant B, by misapprehending the legal principles, injured Defendant B, this is intended to oppose the assault A, which constitutes self-defense, and thus, Defendant B’s act constitutes an act of self-defense. 3) Even if the conviction against Defendant B on the issue of unreasonable sentencing is recognized, in light of the circumstances of the instant case, the punishment of KRW 500,000,000, sentenced by the lower court,

2. Determination

가. 피고인들의 각 사실오인 주장에 대한 판단 원심에서 적법하게 채택하여 조사한 증거에 의하여 인정되는 다음과 같은 사정 즉, ① 피고인들은 서로 상대방에 대해 폭력을 행사하지 않았다는 취지로 주장하나, 피고인 B은 ‘피고인 A이 제 멱살을 잡아 흔들고 발로 제 다리를 3~4회 걷어차며 난동을 부렸다’는 취지로, 피고인 A은 ‘B이 손으로 제 가슴을 쳐서 쓰러졌다, 쓰러진 뒤에도 B이 발로 다리를 밟고 가슴과 목을 누르고 쳤다’는 취지로 각 진술하는 점, ② 이 사건의 발생경위에 대해, 피고인 A은 ‘피고인 B을 집으로 불러 같이 맥주를 마시며 이야기를 나누다가, 과거에 세탁기 소리가 컸다는 이야기로 인해 피고인 B이 기분이 나빴는지 갑자기 욕설을 하며 멱살을 잡고 주먹으로 때렸다’는 취지로, 피고인 B은 '피고인 A과 화해를...