(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2017.05.11 2016가단9855



1. All of the plaintiff's claims are dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The plaintiff is the head of the D church, which is a church belonging to the Korean War Veterans Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Defendant War Veterans Association"), which belongs to the Korean War Veterans Association under the Korean War Veterans Association (hereinafter referred to as the "General Assembly"), and the defendant B is the member of the E church belonging to the defendant War Veterans Association, and the defendant C is the member of the F church belonging to the defendant War Veterans Association.

B. On October 1, 2014, the trial court rendered a judgment against the Plaintiff on the following grounds against the Plaintiff: (a) five years of suspension from office as an armed rioted guard; and (b) five years of suspension from office as an armed rioted guard (hereinafter “instant judgment”).

From September 2012 to May 27, 2014, the Plaintiff left a complaint and complaint more than 12 times, thereby causing confusion with the society and many churches, making it the place of a fighting, prevented the church’s interest and the deliberation of the labor union, and repeats verbal language, abusive language, and breathing.

Although the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission had chosen a conciliation commissioner and applied for reconciliation, the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission continued to file a complaint and decided on the entrustment to the general meeting. However, the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission did not neglect the administration of the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission and made a private document and appealed, which belongs to two general meetings, which are official documents, and upon dismissal, filed a complaint with the Trade Union and Labor Relations Commission and Labor Relations Commission to dismiss the appeal due to interference

At the time that the Yellow Labor Association was divided from the Yellow Labor Association, the pastors and heads expelled were all punished, but since they continued to be dismissed, they were told before the Labor Association and the church that is not a pastor, thereby impairing their honor and causing many difficulties in their activities, thereby preventing the interests of the church and causing many confusions to the Labor Association.

It has avoided the authority of the union by asserting that it is unfair and refusing the summons of the court, and has interfered with the trial of the court in a way that it is not fair because the chief of the trial bureau is returned to money.

Any person who unilaterally participates in the conciliation proceedings for compromise and fails to attend the proceedings.