(영문) 춘천지방법원원주지원 2015.03.31 2014가단34361



1. The Defendants: (a) each of the Plaintiffs Company A KRW 6,678,233, Plaintiff B, and C respectively; and (b) each of the said KRW 5,00,000 and each of the said money on July 2014.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. On February 12, 2015, the Defendants were convicted of imprisonment with prison labor for 12 years by the court of the first instance on the following criminal facts.

(This Court 2014Gohap78, while the appellate court is continuing). The Defendants are willing to engage in sexual intercourse after Defendant E, who is a workplace partner of Defendant D, lost the spirit of eating, and caused the Plaintiff A to engage in sexual intercourse.

The Defendants, at around 00:00 on July 26, 2014, performed drinking together with the Plaintiff at the drinking house of “H” located in “H” in “Guiju City,” and Defendant D, using a crepan in which the Plaintiff was under influence of alcohol, used approximately 2,00 square meters of the Plaintiff A’s alcohol residues, and Defendant E, by putting the Plaintiff “A” above 1,000 square meters of the Plaintiff’s alcohol residues, sent it to the Plaintiff, and had the Plaintiff drink it. At around 01:30 on the same day, the Defendants got the Plaintiff who lost the mind of the above medicine as “J” located in “Guiju City,” 311, and lost the Plaintiff’s mind of sexual intercourse with the Plaintiff A, and lost the Plaintiff’s mind of sexual intercourse with the Plaintiff’s 1,000 pulse.

Accordingly, the Defendants jointly engaged in sexual intercourse with Plaintiff A by taking advantage of the state of mental disorder and inflicted injury on Plaintiff A.

Defendant E, at around 02:40 on July 26, 2014, at the guest room around 02:0, Defendant D had sexual intercourse with the Plaintiff A, and thereafter, Defendant D lost his mind on the floor and had sexual intercourse once by inserting the Defendant’s sexual organ into the part of Plaintiff A.

As a result, Defendant E has sexual intercourse by taking advantage of the condition of the Plaintiff A’s mental disorder.

Defendant E, between July 26, 2014 and July 03:30, 201, has the function to photograph the video of Samsungphones in its possession at the guest room of the above 311.