(영문) 서울서부지방법원 2015.10.15 2015가단217914

승낙의의사표시청구의 소


1. The defendant shall have jurisdiction over each real estate listed in the attached list to the plaintiff in Incheon District Court Kimpo-si.


1. Facts of recognition;

A. The Plaintiff acquired the Plaintiff’s real estate (1) on January 19, 1936 between his father He and mother D. The Plaintiff was born between the deceased C and his spouse, who was born between the deceased C and the deceased E. The report of birth was made on March 19, 1945. Although the name was “F” at the time of the report of birth, the Plaintiff was changed to “A” on March 19, 1945. (2) The deceased C, the deceased, and their children were moved to China on October 15, 1945, and were succeeded to each real estate listed in the [Attachment] list owned by the deceased C.

Accordingly, the registration of transfer of ownership was completed on October 15, 1945 in the name of the plaintiff with respect to each of the above real estate in the name of the plaintiff.

B. 1) On November 18, 1951, the Plaintiff moved to Japan, and contact with the relatives of the Republic of Korea was interrupted. He, a female female G, filed a petition for adjudication of disappearance with the Plaintiff with Seoul Family Court Decision 2001 Ma4281, which decided on August 7, 2002, the above court rendered a judgment of disappearance on June 30, 1955, on the ground that the Plaintiff’s life or death was unknown for at least five (5) years after June 30, 1955, and declared the missing due to the expiration of the period of disappearance on June 30, 1955 (hereinafter “H, etc.”). The relatives of the deceased and the deceased E (hereinafter “H, etc.”) asserted that they are their successors, and completed the registration of ownership transfer for each of the instant real estate as the recipient of the inheritance on January 15, 204 by the Incheon District Court Branch of the Incheon District Court, the Kim Jong-dong registry of January 1954.

(hereinafter “this case’s transfer registration”). On November 29, 2007, with respect to the above registration, an additional registration of change of ownership was completed to correct part of co-owners and shares on the ground of error in the application. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 21102, Dec. 11, 2008; Presidential Decree No. 21302, Jun. 26, 2009>

3) Under the premise that each of the above real estates is owned by the above H, the Defendant completed the provisional attachment registration on August 25, 2014 with respect to each of the respective shares of H and I. D. D. The Plaintiff is alive in Japan.