(영문) 의정부지방법원 2016.03.25 2015고단4681




A Imprisonment for six months, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of 10,000,000 won, respectively.

However, the defendant A.


Punishment of the crime

1. The defendant A is the representative director of the corporation B, which is a factory and chromosome company, textile in Spocheon-si D.

(a) No person shall operate any wastewater discharging facilities without obtaining permission, in violation of the Act on the Conservation of Water Quality and Aquatic Ecosystems (1) using unauthorized wastewater discharging facilities;

The Defendant, upon obtaining full permission for laundry facilities, installed 8 high-tension chloakers (300 g, 200 g, 200 g) which are wastewater discharge facilities at the place of business of the said stock company, from around September 2012 to around September 18, 2015, with no permission for fiber salt and processing facilities.

(2) A person who has installed measuring devices, such as a dactical emitting flow meter, shall not commit an act of operating such measuring devices to prevent normal measurement.

The Defendant did not have a normal measurement of the volume of wastewater discharged at the same place of business in a manner that discharges wastewater in a manner that discharges wastewater in a manner that prevents all of the wastewater flow meters attached to the wastewater discharge facilities of the company for a certain period of time at the same time and place.

(3) If a business operator or a person who operates preventive facilities changes important matters without permission for change, the Minister of Environment may revoke permission for the installation of emission facilities or permission for the alteration thereof, or order the closure of emission facilities or the suspension of operation for a period not exceeding six months, and the person who has failed

On August 6, 2015, the Defendant was ordered to close down the facility with the content that “the Defendant discharged more than 50 percent of the permitted discharge quantity of wastewater without obtaining permission for change,” and operated the facility using the facility from around that time to September 23, 2015.

This is the defendant.