(영문) 수원지방법원안산지원 2014.06.17 2013가단30080

소유권보존, 이전등기, 근저당권 말소 이행


1. The plaintiff's claims against the defendants are all dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. As to the building listed in the attached list 1, Defendant B: (i) completed the registration of Ansan Branch of Suwon District Court, and the registration of ownership preservation as of November 4, 1992; (ii) Defendant D completed the registration of ownership transfer as of November 23, 1995 on the ground of the successful bid on November 23, 1995; (iii) R completed the registration of ownership transfer as of November 8, 2002 by the same court No. 52469, Dec. 6, 2002 (R died on November 9, 201; and Defendant C and C applied for the correction of the indication of the party only to Defendant C.

(4) Defendant E completed the registration of ownership transfer on January 27, 2010 under the same court No. 994 on February 5, 2010. 5) Defendant G G, G, and G, G, Inc. (former F, G, G, and G) on February 5, 2010, KRW 995, maximum debt amount, KRW 46 million, and KRW 72702, Nov. 4, 1992, and completed the registration of ownership transfer on July 197, 207, under the same court No. 209, 72702, which were recorded on the separate list No. 194. 5. 72, Nov. 4, 1992. 1). Defendant G completed the registration of ownership transfer on July 19, 207, 207, under the same court No. 972703, Nov. 4, 209.