(영문) 광주지방법원순천지원 2014.05.01 2012가합4108



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. On April 22, 2009, the Defendant concluded each insurance contract indicated in the separate sheet with the Plaintiff and paid the premium. Each insurance contract stated in the separate sheet includes the content that compensates KRW 30,000 per day of hospitalization within the limit of 180 days where the insured is subject to hospitalized treatment due to injury or disease during the insurance period.

B. On August 8, 2009, the Defendant received 15 days’ hospitalized treatment from August 10, 2009 to August 24, 2009, as well as the following: (a) in a case where an insured incident occurred as shown in the table, the Defendant received hospital treatment for a total of 487 days; and (b) received KRW 28,920,000,000 from the insurance money under each insurance contract as indicated in the separate sheet.

<보험금 지급내역> 연번 입원일 병원 진단명 사고원인 지급보험금(원) 1 2009. 8. 10.~8. 24.(15일) B병원 요추부염좌 상해(목욕탕 미끄러짐) PLUS 450,000 PLUSⅡ 450,000 2 2010. 7. 5.~7. 23.(19일) C병원 목뼈원판장애 질병 (척추협착, 목뼈원판장애) PLUS 5,400,000 3 2010. 8. 4.~8. 17.(14일) D병원 목뼈원판장애 4 2010. 8. 30.~9. 13.(15일) E병원 목뼈원판장애 5 2010. 10. 4.~10. 16.(13일) F의원 신경관추간판협착 6 2010. 11. 17.~11. 30.(14일) G병원 신경관추간판협착 질병(척추협착) 7 2010. 12. 14.~12. 27.(14일) D병원 척추협착 8 2010. 12. 31.~2011. 1. 28.(29일) H병원 긴장형두통, 요추부협착증 질병(두통,요추부협착) PLUSⅡ 5,400,000 9 2011. 3. 3.~3. 31.(29일) 10 2011. 6. 23.~7. 16.(24일) 11 2011. 8. 19.~8. 31.(13일) I병원 척추협착 질병(척추협착) 12 2011. 11. 8.~12. 5.(28일) H병원 상세불명의 천식 질병 (천식, 급성기관지염) PLUS 4,020,000 13 2011. 12. 21.~2012. 1. 18.(29일) 14 2012. 2. 1.~2. 29.(29일) PLUSⅡ 4,020,000 15 2012. 3. 8.~4. 4.(28일) 16 2012. 4. 18.~5. 7.(20일) 17 2012. 6. 26.~7. 24.(29일) J병원 척추관협착증 질병(척추협착) PLUS 1,620,000 18 2012. 7. 28.~8. 21.(25일)...