(영문) 서울북부지방법원 2013.11.14 2013노1184



All appeals by the prosecutor and the defendant are dismissed.


1. Summary of grounds for appeal;

A. The Prosecutor’s sentence is too uneased and unreasonable.

B. The lower court’s sentence is too too unreasonable.

2. In full view of all the sentencing conditions shown in the records and arguments of the instant case, the Defendant committed the instant crime during the period of repeated offense, the victim’s damage has not been recovered, and the Defendant’s mistake is divided, the lower court’s punishment is too minor or unreasonable, and thus, the prosecutor and the Defendant’s assertion are without merit.

3. According to the conclusion, the appeal by the prosecutor and the defendant is all dismissed in accordance with Article 364(4) of the Criminal Procedure Act. It is so decided as per Disposition.