(영문) 특허법원 2016.06.23 2015허7452



1. The plaintiff's claim is dismissed.

2. The costs of lawsuit shall be borne by the Plaintiff.


1. Basic facts

A. The title of the patented invention of this case (A)(3)(1): Electric recognition that contains a large number of heaters and methods of controlling such power (2) filing date/registration date/registration number: June 10, 2008 / September 10, 2009 / Patent No. 917902(3) of the Patent Act: Claim No. 917902(4) of the Plaintiff: The same shall apply to the claims stated in [Attachment].

(5) The summary of the invention under paragraph (1) (5) is as follows: (1) The patented invention of this case is about the method of controlling the power of a large number of heaters contained in the electric strings including a large number of heat heats and the electric strings contained in the electric strings.

(2) In the case of continuous supply of electricity to the heat of electricity stamps without considering the electrical environment in general homes, consumption of electricity can be prevented from being off by getting off the permissible level of power consumption and fire could have occurred.

(3) The task to be solved is to provide a range of electricity stamps that can limit the consumption of electricity stamps to the permissible value of electricity and a method of controlling the power by spraying electricity supplied to a large number of heat sources, including a large number of heat sources of electricity.

(No. 3). (4) A project resolution method - Electric recognition (100) consisting of electric recognition (101), body (102), multiple heaters (104a, 104b, 104c), operation department (110), control department (120), multiple Switzerlands (SW1, S2, S3), status display department (130), power supply department (140), power measurement department (150).

(No. 19). [Don 2] Blue of electricity can also control the output of a large number of heat sources (104a, 104b, 104c) by controlling the time of each action of a large number of heat sources (104a, 104b, 104c) within a given period of time.