(영문) 대구지방법원 서부지원 2018.09.20 2018가합50967



1. It is confirmed that each land listed in the separate sheet is owned by the plaintiff.

2. The costs of the lawsuit are assessed against the defendant.


1. Basic facts

가. 원고의 상속관계 1) 원고의 증조부(曾祖父) 망 B은 1925년경 사망하였다. 2) 원고의 조부(祖父) 망 C은 D일자 출생하여 1957. 1. 2. 사망하였고, 위 망 B으로부터 호주상속을 하였다.

3) The Plaintiff’s father E was born on the F date, died on July 18, 1990, and died on July 18, 1990 from the above network C. 4) The Plaintiff’s wife J, children K, L, M, and N, who is the Plaintiff, G, H and children, and the Plaintiff’s wife J, children K, L, M, and N, which are children. They are the land listed in the separate sheet No. 1 (hereinafter the separate sheet No. 1) around 2017, “the land listed in the separate sheet No. 2,” and “the land listed in the separate sheet No. 2,” refers to each land of the instant case, and “the land collectively refers to each of the instant land) and 390 square meters (hereinafter “O land”) located between the Plaintiff and the Plaintiff’s independent inheritance consultation.

B. The land cadastre of each of the instant lands is indicated as being examined on October 20, 1910, and P is indicated as being examined on October 20, 1910. As to the instant land No. 2, the above P’s address is indicated as Q Dong on the old land cadastre drafted during the Japanese colonial period. Each of the instant lands is unregistered. 2) The land cadastre drawn up during the Japanese colonial period for O land, and P is indicated as being examined on October 20, 1910.

On January 13, 1927, the registration of ownership preservation has been completed in the plaintiff's lighting C name.

[Reasons for Recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap evidence 1 through 4, 6 through 22 (including branch numbers; hereinafter the same shall apply), the purport of the whole pleadings

2. Determination on the defense prior to the merits

A. The gist of the Defendant’s assertion is that the Plaintiff filed an application for registration with the registrar or filed an objection against the decision, thereby making registration of preservation of ownership on each of the instant lands.