(영문) 광주지방법원목포지원 2014.08.14 2013가단13229



1. The Defendant (Appointed Party A), the designated parties, and the attached Form

2. Cases other than those entered in the list of inheritance shares.


1. Basic facts

A. On January 15, 1935, the instant zone and the instant zone and the process of changing the nominal owner of the division and ownership of the instant zone (the death of October 7, 1999) completed the registration of ownership transfer with respect to the instant zone and D forest in the name of its own, and thereafter, part of the instant zone and D forest are divided into G forest and 17 square meters (hereinafter “instant zone”) on April 7, 1945, and the said zone and D forest are divided into “D forest and 17 square meters prior to the last subdivision of the 20th 7th 1st th th th son.”

(2) On December 20, 1971, the registration and the registration of ownership transfer in the name of the defendant was completed on September 25, 195 with respect to D forest land before the last subdivision, as well as on September 16, 1975. (3) After the last subdivision, D forest land before the last subdivision was re-registered on September 16, 1975.

1. After each real estate listed in the list is divided into the real estate No. 1 (hereinafter “instant D”) and the 7 group of H forests and fields No. 7 (hereinafter “H forests and fields”), the land category of H forests and fields shall be changed on the same day.

1. The real estate listed in No. 3 among each real estate listed in the list was changed to the real estate indicated in the list (hereinafter “former E”).

However, the registration of transfer of ownership in the name of the defendant on December 20, 1971 was completed in the registry with respect to the instant D forest. However, with respect to the instant forest, the land cadastre was prepared before and registered as the owner on the land cadastre, but the registration is not yet made until now.

(G) On 20 December 20, 1971, the owner is registered as the defendant in the land cadastre.

The process of changing the nominal owner of the instant I forest (1)

1. The real estate No. 2, among each real estate indicated in the list (hereinafter “the instant I forest”) existed in the unregistered state after the deceased J was under the circumstances by the Joseon Forest Investigation Order around 1918, and was registered as the owner in the forest register.

(2) The deceased on February 3, 1931 by the deceased JJ, K.