[1] Whether a ground for termination under the Fire Insurance General Terms and Conditions may be a ground for termination in a case where a policyholder breached the duty of notification following the transfer of the purpose of insurance, but there is no significant change or increase in risks arising therefrom (negative)
[2] The meaning of "any significant alteration or increase of risk", which is a ground for termination under the terms and conditions of fire insurance, and the standard for its determination
[3] The case holding that the insurance contract cannot be terminated on the ground of a violation of the duty to notify, where the object of the fire insurance was transferred, but only the owner is changed, and the determination factor of the premium rate is identical
[1] In full view of the provisions of Article 9 of the Terms and Conditions of Fire Insurance and Article 11(2) of the same Terms and Conditions which stipulate the transfer of the subject matter of insurance as the reason for the policyholder’s duty to notify, “When failing to perform the duty to notify the contract under Article 9 relating to the change or increase of present risk” as the reason for termination of the insurance contract, if the subject matter of fire insurance is transferred, and there is a significant change or increase in risk due to the transfer, and at the same time the policyholder or the insured does not notify the transfer, the insurer may terminate the relevant insurance contract on the ground of a violation of the duty to notify. However, if the transfer of the subject matter of insurance does not cause a significant change or increase in risk due to the transfer of the subject matter, it is reasonable to deem
[2] The term "risks under the general terms and conditions of fire insurance" refers to the possibility of occurrence of an insurance accident, and the term "any significant alteration or increase of risks" refers to the alteration or increase of risks to the extent that the insurer did not conclude the contract or at least the same condition if the risk exists at the time of conclusion of the contract. Therefore, whether there was a change or increase in such risks due to the transfer of the object of fire insurance should be acknowledged and determined by comprehensively taking into account the detailed circumstances before and after the transfer, such as the change in the method of using and earning profits from the subject of the insurance (the burden of proof concerning such existence bears the burden of the claimant for the termination of the insurance contract). It cannot be viewed that there was a significant change or increase in the risk naturally because the owner was replaced by the transfer of the object of fire insurance.
[3] The case reversing the judgment of the court below that recognized the termination of the contract on the ground that the transfer of the object of fire insurance was not possible on the ground that it was not in violation of the duty of notification, since it was not possible to cancel the contract on the ground that there was a significant increase or change in the risk due to the transfer of the object of fire insurance, but only the owner was changed, and the type of occupation engaged in business, building structure,
[1] Article 105 of the Civil Act, Article 679(2) of the Commercial Act, Articles 9 and 11 of the General Terms and Conditions of Fire Insurance / [2] Article 679(2) of the Commercial Act, Articles 9 and 11 of the Terms and Conditions of Fire Insurance / [3] Article 679(2) of the Commercial Act, Articles 9 and 11 of the Terms and Conditions of Fire Insurance
[1] [3] Supreme Court Decision 91Da1158 delivered on August 9, 1991 (Gong1991, 2315) Supreme Court Decision 92Da852 delivered on April 13, 1993 (Gong193Sang, 1371)
International Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (Seo Law Firm, Attorneys Park Sang-chul et al., Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)
Dongbu Fire Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. (Attorneys Jeon Jae-in et al., Counsel for the plaintiff-appellant)
Seoul District Court Decision 95Na23193 delivered on November 9, 1995
The judgment of the court below is reversed, and the case is remanded to the Seoul District Court Panel Division.
1. Summary of the reasoning of the judgment below
원심판결 이유에 의하면 원심은, 소외 장세찬은 1993. 8. 21. 피고와의 사이에 자신이 경영하던 대구 서구 이현동 42의 199 소재 세원섬유의 공장 내 기계기구 및 제품 일체에 관하여 보험가입금액은 금 290,000,000원으로, 보험기간은 1993. 8. 22.부터 1994. 8. 22.까지로, 보험료는 금 1,381,600원으로 하는 일반화재보험계약(이하 이 사건 제1 보험계약이라 한다.)을 체결한 사실, 그 후 장세찬은 1994. 1. 31. 소외 성낙용에게 위 공장 내의 기계시설 등을 매도한 사실, 한편 성낙용은 위 공장을 인수하여 대호섬유라는 상호로 영업을 하던 중인 같은 해 5. 23. 원고와의 사이에 위 공장 내의 기계기구 및 동산에 관하여 보험가입금액은 금 350,000,000원으로, 보험기간은 1994. 5. 23.부터 1997. 5. 23.까지로, 보험료는 금 2,657,000원으로 하는 화재보험계약(이하 이 사건 제2 보험계약이라 한다.)을 체결한 사실, 그런데 1994. 6. 30. 22:12경 위 공장 내에서 전기합선으로 추정되는 화재가 발생하여 공장 내의 나염기, 배전반, 제단기, 염료 및 기타 비품 등 합계 금 281,786,933원 상당액이 소훼되어, 원고는 성낙용에게 1994. 8. 3.부터 같은 해 9. 26.까지 이 사건 제2 보험계약에 따른 보험금으로 합계 금 281,786,933원을 지급하였고, 위 화재에 따른 손해사정을 위한 비용으로 금 3,038,000원을 지출하였으며, 위 각 보험목적물의 보험가액은 합계 금 318,878,351원 정도인 사실을 인정한 다음, 성낙용은 장세찬으로부터 이 사건 제1 보험계약의 목적물을 양수함으로써 장세찬의 피고에 대한 이 사건 제1 보험계약상의 권리와 의무를 승계한 것으로 추정된다 할 것이고, 한편 위 화재로 소훼된 물건은 원고와 피고의 각 화재보험에 가입되어 그 보험가입금액의 합계액이 보험가액을 초과하는 중복보험관계에 있다 할 것이므로 특별한 사정이 없는 한 피고는 원고에게 원고가 지급한 위 보험금 및 손해사정비용의 합계액 중 위 각 보험가입금액의 합계액에 대한 이 사건 제1 보험계약의 보험가입금액의 비율에 따른 금원 및 이에 대한 지연손해금을 지급할 의무가 있다고 전제하고, 나아가 이 사건 제1 보험계약은 피보험자가 위와 같이 보험의 목적물을 양도하고도 이를 피고에게 통지하지 아니함에 따라 피고의 해지 의사표시에 의하여 이미 해지되었다는 피고의 주장에 대하여 상법 제679조 제2항 에 의하면 보험의 목적이 양도된 경우 그 양도인 또는 양수인은 보험자에 대하여 지체 없이 그 양도사실을 통지하여야 한다고 규정되어 있고, 을 제2호증(화재보험보통약관), 을 제3호증(보험사고면책통보 및 해지안내), 을 제4호증의 1(화재, 특종보험변경승인신청서), 2(입출금결의서)의 각 기재와 제1심 증인 권순재의 증언에 변론의 전취지를 종합하면, 이 사건 제1 보험계약 등에 적용되는 피고의 화재보험보통약관 제9조, 제11조에 의하면 보험계약자나 피보험자는 계약체결 후 보험의 목적에 관하여, ① 다른 계약을 맺을 때, ② 양도할 때, ③ 건물을 계속하여 30일 이상 비워두거나 휴업할 때 또는 그 건물의 구조를 변경, 개축, 증축하거나 계속하여 15일 이상 수선할 때, ④ 다른 곳으로 옮길 때, ⑤ 그 이외에 위험이 뚜렷이 증가한 경우에는 지체 없이 서면으로 보험자에게 알리고 보험증권에 그 확인을 받아야 하며, 보험자는 위험이 증가된 경우에는 통지를 받은 날로부터 1개월 이내에 계약을 해지할 수 있으며, 또한 보험계약자나 피보험자가 현저한 위험의 변경 또는 증가와 관련된 위 통지의무를 이행하지 아니하였을 때에는 보험자는 위 통지의무의 불이행 사실을 보험자의 중대한 과실로 알지 못하는 경우를 제외하고는 위 불이행 사실을 안 때로부터 1개월 이내에 보험계약을 해지할 수 있다고 규정되어 있고, 피고는 위 화재 발생 다음날인 1994. 7. 1.에야 비로소 장세찬으로부터 성낙용에게 이 사건 제1 보험계약의 목적물이 양도된 사실을 알았으며, 1994. 7. 23. 장세찬에게 약관에 규정된 통지의무 위반의 사유로 이 사건 제1 보험계약을 해지한다는 의사표시를 하여, 그 무렵 그 의사표시가 장세찬에게 도달된 사실을 인정할 수 있는바, 이 사건과 같이 공장의 기계 기구 등을 보험목적물로 하는 화재보험의 경우에 보험의 목적물이 양도된 경우에는 사용주체나 사용방법 등에 따라 그 위험의 변경이 수반된다고 봄이 상당하다 할 것이고, 위와 같이 보험의 목적물의 양도를 통지의무의 대상으로 한 것은 이러한 경우 그 위험의 증가 여부에 따라 보험자가 보험을 인수할 것인지의 여부를 재판단할 기회를 부여하기 위한 것이므로 그러한 양도통지가 없었던 경우에는 보험자로서는 보험의 인수 여부를 재판단할 기회를 박탈당한 결과가 되므로 양도 전후를 통하여 아무런 위험의 변경이 없었다는 등의 특별한 사정이 없는 한 보험자는 그 통지의무 해태를 이유로 보험계약을 해지할 수 있다고 할 것이고, 따라서 이 사건 제1 보험계약은 피고의 위 해지로 인하여 종료되었다고 판단하였다.
2. As to the ground of appeal
First, we examine the first, second, and third grounds for appeal.
Article 679(2) of the Commercial Act provides that where the subject matter of an insurance is transferred in respect of non-life insurance, either the transferor or transferee shall, without delay, notify the insurer of such transfer. However, Article 9 of the Fire Insurance General Terms and Conditions cited by the court below provides that where the subject matter of the insurance is transferred after entering into an insurance contract under Article 9(1), the policyholder or the insured shall, without delay, notify the insurance company in writing and obtain confirmation on the insurance policy. Article 11(2) of the Terms and Conditions provides that the insurance company may terminate the contract in cases where the following facts arise: Provided, That where the insurance company becomes aware of such facts or where it fails to inform by gross negligence of the company, the insurance company may not terminate the contract unless it notifies the policyholder of the change or increase in risks, and where the subject matter of the insurance contract is clearly changed or terminated after taking account of the fact that the transfer or termination of the contract under Article 9(3) does not cause damage to the insurance company unless it notifies the transfer or termination of the contract:
In addition, the term "risk" refers to the possibility of the occurrence of an insurance accident, and the significant change or increase of the risk means the change or increase of risk to the extent that the insurer did not conclude the contract or at least would have concluded the contract on the same condition if the risk exists at the time of the conclusion of the contract. Therefore, whether there was a change or increase in such a degree of risk due to the transfer of the object of fire insurance should be recognized and determined by comprehensively taking into account the detailed circumstances before and after the transfer of the object of the insurance, such as the change in the method of using and earning profits from the object of the insurance, etc. (the burden of proof concerning such a existence should be borne by the claimant for the termination of the insurance contract on the basis of the existence thereof), and it cannot be said that there was a significant change or increase in the risk naturally because the owner was changed due to the transfer of the object of fire insurance
According to the records, the standard insurance premium rate applicable to the fire insurance of this case where the machinery, apparatus, etc. of a factory are the subject of insurance is determined based on the type of occupation, operation, building structure, and location of the object of insurance, and the subject of insurance is not, in principle, the subject of operation of the subject of insurance. However, sexual abortion only changes the trade name of the subject of insurance after the transfer of the above machinery, apparatus, etc. from the long door door door door, and only changes the type of occupation, operation, factory structure, and work process into the same facts before and after the transfer. It is difficult to find any other circumstances to deem that there was a significant increase or change in risk due to the transfer of the subject of insurance such as the above machinery, apparatus, etc.
Thus, even if the policyholder did not notify the fact of transfer of the object of the fire insurance of this case, the defendant cannot terminate the insurance contract on the ground of the violation of such notification duty.
Nevertheless, the court below determined that the insurer may terminate the insurance contract on the ground of neglect of the duty to notify in the case of fire insurance with the machinery, apparatus, etc. of a factory as the subject of insurance unless there are special circumstances such as the transfer of the subject of insurance to the subject of use or the method of use, and there was no change in risk before or after the transfer. The court below did not err by misapprehending the legal principles on the effect of breach of the duty to notify in the transfer of the purpose of insurance, by failing to exhaust all the burden of proof as to the significant change or increase of risk, or by failing to exhaust all the deliberation as to this point, which affected the conclusion of the judgment. The grounds for appeal pointing this out
3. Therefore, without examining the remaining grounds of appeal, the judgment of the court below shall be reversed, and the case shall be remanded to the court below for a new trial and determination. It is so decided as per Disposition by the assent of all participating Justices.
Justices Kim Jong-sik (Presiding Justice)