The prosecution of this case is dismissed.
1. On January 20, 2021, the Prosecutor revoked a public prosecution on the summary of the facts charged 2020 high order 2116 (Joint) case.
On February 22, 2020, the Defendant assaulted the victim's face face on one occasion at a convenience store located in Busan High-ro B, Busan High-ro, on the ground that the Defendant did not appear for the employee victim D (nick, 28 years of age).
2. Determination:
A. Legal provisions applicable to facts charged: Article 260(1) of the Criminal Act
(b) Crimes of non-violation of intention: Article 260 (3) of the Criminal Act.
(c) Indication of intention not to punish: A written agreement on February 2, 2021;
(d) Judgment dismissing a public prosecution: Article 327 subparagraph 6 of the Criminal Procedure Act;