(영문) 광주지방법원 2016.10.21 2016고합152



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for three years.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for four years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

In 2010, the Defendant began living together on the premise that the Victim C’s mother (here, women, 1980s, currently 36 years old), and the Defendant began living together from 1997 on the premise that he is remarried, and around 2010, he shall be a sheshesheshesheshes reported marriage with the Victim’

1. Around September 2008, the Defendant: (a) around 20:00 on September 2008, 2008, around 20: (b) around 20:0, the Defendant met the victim (at that time, 27 years of age) who was accumulated in the Defendant’s home of the Defendant D (at that time) and she spared the victim; and (c) took the victim’s hand with his/her clothes, and she met the victim’s hand.

Accordingly, the victim refers to “I Mara, Mara, Mada,” and the defendant, once again put his hand on the part of the victim’s clothes, was confined to the part under the part of the victim’s ship and the chest. The defendant, who was seated, committed indecent act by compulsion of the victim, who was related to the victim’s her her her her her bane, by force.

2. Around September 2013, the Defendant committed the crime at around 15:00 on September 2013, 2013, and, at around 15:0, left side of the victim’s (at that time, 32 years of age) at the place under the above paragraph (1) and became aware of the victim’s own disposal, thereby inducing the victim’s blood by compulsion. The Defendant: (a) caused the victim’s blood by compulsion by asking the victim’s right ear and tigers; (b)

3. On December 2013, 2013, the Defendant: (a) around 09:00 on the date on December 12, 2013, at around 09:00, covered and opened the instant payment at the place prescribed in the said paragraph (33 years of age at that time); (b) on the ground of the victim’s interest, the Defendant duplicating his hand with his own rear clothes; and (c) by putting his hand under front clothes, the Defendant dupliced the victim’s blood, and by compulsiond the victim’s blood.

4. Around August 2014, the Defendant reported the victim (at the time 33 years of age) who was sitting in a shock field by suffering half-packers from the places of the above paragraph (1) at around 14:00 on August 2014, 2014, and was in kinship with the victim by inserting his hand to the clothes retail of the victim.