(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2014.02.14 2013고단7749



Defendant shall be punished by imprisonment without prison labor for four months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

Around 07:10 on August 10, 2013, the Defendant was driving at the Dan-do B C (33 years old) in the front left-hand part of the car driving in the front right-hand part of the car driving by the Defendant, and was driving at the front right-hand part of the car in the front right-hand side of the car driving, waiting for the Defendant’s signal at the right-hand side, and waiting for the signal at the right-hand side of the car, and the Defendant was driving by the victim C (33 years old) (5 years old) with the front left-hand part of the car driving in the front right-hand side of the car driving by the Defendant and waiting for the signal at the right-hand side (47 years old).

The Defendant by such occupational negligence caused injury to the victim C, such as a cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage cage g. G.