(영문) 창원지방법원 거창지원 2018.02.21 2017고단340



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for four months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of two years from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

1. Around June 21, 2017, the Defendant entered into a sales contract with the victim E, who was found to purchase Orala, stating that “Any defect in the function, and if purchased, it would make the next transfer registration if purchased, it would make the next transfer registration.” The Defendant received F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F. 125cc and one million won in cash from the victim, and the Defendant received the victim’s delivery of Daelim 125cc E, the Defendant’s possession.”

However, in fact, since the above large-scale 125cc Orala had been sold to another person due to the defect in which the operation of the city was continuously avoided, it was not possible to conduct a normal operation as well as the state of normal registration as a non-registered error, and thus, even if the purchase price, etc. is paid from the injured party, the Defendant did not have the intent or ability to deliver the damaged party a normal operation and registration.

Nevertheless, the Defendant, as seen above, was delivered KRW 1 million in cash to the injured party, with F Fffica 125cc in which the market price of the injured party’s possession is unknown in the same place.

2. The Defendant, at the time and place described in the foregoing paragraph 1, sold to E without registration large 125cc occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ occ, and attached to E, “I will give the necessary documents for registration in the last time when the number plate attached to Focc occ occ 125cc occ occ occ occ occ.”

Accordingly, the defendant is air hacker for the purpose of exercising his rights.