(영문) 수원지방법원 2013.11.21 2013구합4843



1. The Defendant’s KRW 25,258,535 as well as the Plaintiff’s annual rate from July 4, 2013 to November 21, 2013.


1. Basic facts

(a) In the Land Survey Division drawn up during the Japanese Occupation Period, it shall be written in the Land Survey Division that B, the address column for which is a disturbance, was reported as being subject to assessment of No. 2,044 square meters in the Gyeonggi-Pacific Group C.

B. The above-mentioned land was comprised of 1,184 square meters (one land), E bank 1,170 square meters (two land), F bank 612 square meters (three land) and G river 502 square meters (three land) through division, land category change, unit conversion, change of administrative district name, etc.

(c) Part 2, 3 and 4 of land are land located in the seat of the Gongungcheon, a national river, and are used as the bank site and exclusions of H in the construction year.

The land No. 2 was restored from the land category on August 1, 1961 by the bank, and the land category No. 3 and No. 4 was changed to the bank and river on June 29, 1974.

(hereinafter referred to as “each of the instant lands”) D.

On April 2, 1953, 1953, B, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of

(The details of joint inheritance are as indicated in the separate sheet). On November 201, K, L, M, N,O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,V, and W, among co-inheritors, decided to own K 10,472/11,858, which is the aggregate of their respective inheritance shares among the land in this case, and the Plaintiff, X,Y, and Z, around January 2012, agreed to each of the land in this case, to have 1,386/11,858, which is the aggregate of their inheritance shares, owned by the Plaintiff.

[Ground of recognition] Unsatisfy, Gap evidence Nos. 1-8, the purport of the whole pleadings

2. The assertion and judgment

A. The Plaintiff’s assertion is the land under the name of B, the Plaintiff’s fleet, and since the land was incorporated into the river area of Ycheoncheon and owned by the State, the Defendant is entitled to compensate for losses arising from the inheritance shares to the Plaintiff, the heir of B pursuant to Article 2 of the Act on Special Measures for the Compensation for Land Incorporated into the River (hereinafter “Special Measures Act”).