(영문) 인천지방법원 2018.08.09 2018고단789



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for six months.

However, the execution of the above punishment shall be suspended for a period of one year from the date this judgment becomes final and conclusive.


Punishment of the crime

On June 23, 2017, the Defendant lent one million won in cash to the victim C (17 years) (17 years) in need of supply, and made a verbal promise to receive 1.8 million won including interest until July 10, 2017, but the Defendant was able to find the victim in order to receive a debt from the victim as he did not pay the debt after the date of payment.

피고인은 친구 2명을 뒷좌석에 태운 채 아반 떼 승용차를 운전하여 돌아다니다가 2017. 8. 5. 00:00 경 인천 남동구 D에 있는 ‘E 편의점’ 앞 노상에서 피해자를 발견하고 피해자에게 ‘ 야, 타 ’라고 소리쳐 피해자로 하여금 조수석에 탑승하게 하고, 인근 도로로 이동한 후 차를 세우고 피해자에게 ‘ 야, 돈 어딨어 ’라고 소리치며 피해자의 가슴 부위를 주먹으로 2회 가량 때리고, ‘ 아프냐,

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It means that the injured person was forced to get off the vehicle.

When the victim continuously avoided contact, the Defendant, on August 22, 2017, had her relatives around 17:00, left the damaged person by telephone, and again, on the alleyway behind the building "G Burial" located in the Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City, Nam-gu, Seoul, the Defendant left two friendlys on the back seat of the Defendant's driver's vehicle and let the victim get the victim on board the front her seat.

And the defendant paid money to the victim;

The term "Ispah" is 18:30 on the same day, driving a vehicle into H housing unit in Nam-gu Incheon Metropolitan City on the same day, and making the victim get off the vehicle, and then "Ispah, Ispah, Ispahn, Ispahn, Ispahn, Ispahn, Ispahn,"

The clishing shall be sounded "," the victim's chest, face, etc. shall be taken several times in drinking, and the victim's hair and face shall be attached to the victim's hair, and the victim's head shall be clicked twice.