(영문) 의정부지방법원 2012.09.21 2012고합393



Defendants are not guilty. The summary of the judgment against the Defendants is publicly announced.


1. The summary of the facts charged is that Defendant A registered as the candidate for the preliminary candidate for the National Assembly member of the 19th National Assembly that was scheduled to be held on April 19, 2012 at the election of the National Assembly members of the 19th National Assembly at the time of the election of the 18th National Assembly members of the South Yangyang-gu Council member Council of the Republic of Korea as the chairman of the Committee for Operation of the 19th National Assembly Members of the Nyang-gu Council member Council of the Republic of Korea. Defendant B actually registered as the candidate for the National Assembly member of the 19th National Assembly on December 13, 2011, and Defendant B, as the director of the "F" of the "F" of the agricultural company operated by Defendant A, as the director of the "F" of the agricultural company operated by Defendant A.

Except as otherwise provided for in the Public Official Election Act, no one shall carry out an election campaign by means of propaganda facilities and tools or various printed matters, broadcasting, newspapers, news communications, magazines, other publications, campaign meetings, debate meetings, native folks meetings, alumni meetings, neighbors' meetings, other meetings, information and communications, the establishment of an organization for election campaign or private organization, door-to-door visits, and other methods, and anyone who intends to be a candidate and officers and employees of a company related to a candidate shall not make a contribution to a person in the election district against the election concerned or a person having relations with the electorate, even if there is any fact outside

Nevertheless, during the period from September 201 to November 2011, the Defendants received a letter from the Gyeonggi-do Party Chairperson of the Gyeonggi-do Party in the name of "Guidance on Holding Party Members Training" in the name of the chairperson of the Gyeonggi-do Party, and invite the Gu Council members belonging to D Party as instructors, and invite the Gu Council members belonging to D Party as part of the event scenarios as part of the document.

In addition to the word “Defendant A’s name is repeatedly created,” the event date is fixed on December 1, 201, and the event date is fixed as “Hweing Pweing at Nam-si,” and the number of participants is expected to be approximately 300.
