(영문) 수원지방법원 안산지원 2015.04.15 2014고단2406



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

[2014 Highest 2406] On March 17, 2014, the Defendant reported that the victim D posted a letter that he/she purchases DNA on the Internet Highest Kabufa, and that he/she would send an Adisofa to the victim upon phone call to the victim.

However, in fact, the defendant did not have the above IDs, and even if he received the price, he did not have the intent to send the above signals and ability to do so.

In such a case, the Defendant, as such, received KRW 90,00 from the victim’s new bank account in the name of the Defendant and received KRW 90,000 from the victim, and acquired KRW 3,035,50 from the victim 39 to June 29, 2014, such as the attached list of crimes (1).

[2014 Highest 3274] On August 12, 2014, the Defendant posted a notice on the Defendant’s residence located in Ansan-si E, Ansan-si, stating that he would send 50,000 won to the victim F, who reported the fact that he would transfer 50,000 won to the victim F.

However, even if he receives the price, he did not have the ability or intention to sell the heavy mobile phone.

The Defendant acquired 50,000 won from the victim F to October 30, 2014 as well as acquired 547,600 won in total by the same method from the victim 11 to the victim 11 times, as shown in the crime inundation (2) from around that time to around October 30, 2014.

[2015 Highest 229] On August 8, 2014, the Defendant posted a notice to the effect that he would sell a mobile phone of 1 galthal rithal rithal rithal rithal rithal rithal rithal rithal rithal, in the PC room where it is difficult to know the trade name located in Ansan-si, Ansan-si. The Defendant made a false statement to the effect that he would sell a mobile phone of 1 50,000 won to G who reported and contacted the notice.
