A Imprisonment for one year, and Defendant B shall be punished by a fine of one million won.
However, against Defendant A.
Punishment of the crime
A is an employer who is engaged in the manufacturing industry by employing 10 full-time workers in (State) D located in Mineyang-si, and is an employer who employs 40 full-time workers in Co., Ltd. in E 2012 and is engaged in the manufacturing of marine steering machinery and equipment in the above B, and the Defendant Company B is a corporation established for the purpose of manufacturing marine steering machinery and equipment by using 40 full-time workers from 1,000 E E 2012.
1. Defendant A
A. The Defendant who violated the Labor Standards Act and the Act on the Guarantee of Workers’ Retirement Benefits is working in the said B workplace from August 16, 2010 to December 31, 2012.
As stated in the [Attachment 2-23, as well as 8,065,386 won of retired F and 7,546,80 won of retirement pay and 7,546,80 won of retirement pay, 206,267,788 won of wages and retirement pay of 22 workers, such as 18 workers and 4 workers of the above D and 22 employees, were not paid until 14 days have elapsed from the date on which the cause for payment occurred, without agreement between the parties to the extension
(b) A business owner violating the Occupational Safety and Health Act shall, when he/she engages in any work at the uppermost part of a rain gauge by assembling a moving-type gauge, install a safety distress, dismantle or suspend the use of protective devices installed with machinery, apparatus or equipment, and completely sprink the part for charging with electric machinery, apparatus or street, etc. which is in danger of shock by his/her workers' contact with or approach to the charging part of electric machinery, apparatus or street, etc. due to work, passage, etc., with a fireproof
Nevertheless, on January 14, 2013, the Defendant did not install safety barriers at the top part of the mobile cutting machine, which is used for cutting steel pipes, while making a color revision work for the above B plant and A presses (the component window in a ship), and did not attach a auxiliary cover on the top day of the high speed cutting machine used for cutting steel pipes, and on the CO2 charging part.