(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2014.10.08 2014고단1028




A and B Imprisonment for one year, Defendant G, D, E, and F respectively, and Defendant C for a fine of 3,00,000,000 won.


Punishment of the crime

To the extent that it does not substantially disadvantage the defendants' exercise of their defense rights, the following facts charged are organized and criminal facts are recognized as follows:

【Defendant A and Defendant B, along with G, D, E, and F, have the right to enjoy and engage in gambling, and divide money according to their respective roles against ‘defluencing’ and ‘defluencing person.’ Defendant A planned gambling, provided gambling places, and provided game money; Defendant B had the right to use ‘deflucing’ under the name of ‘deflucing [the other party’ in the card] and lent money to the victim under the direction of Defendant A to use ‘deflucing card’ and ‘deflucing the card’ (defluing the card’) with ‘defluencing the card’ (defluing the card’) and ‘defluencing the card’ (defluing the card’). Defendant B had the same role as ‘deflucing the card’ and ‘defluing the card’ (defluing the card’) so that it would be necessary to re-conflucing the card by means of ‘deflucing the card’ (de).

Defendants, G, D, E, and F are the same day from May 22, 2014 to 19:00 on the same day.