(영문) 인천지방법원 2015.06.19 2015고합243



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of one year and four months.

The defendant shall be ordered to complete the sexual assault treatment program for 40 hours.


Punishment of the crime

"2015 Gohap243"

1. On February 22, 2015, the Defendant committed indecent act by compulsion at the Eppline operated by the victim D (W, 54 years of age) in Gyeyang-gu Incheon Gyeyang-gu, the Defendant committed indecent act by force against the victim by force during drinking alcohol, such as inducing the victim to commit an indecent act by force, “I see one time only one time,” and “I see the victim’s hand while I see the Defendant’s hand while I am off and drop the Defendant’s sexual organ, leaving the Defendant’s hand, I am with the Defendant’s sexual organ, and I am the Defendant’s hand, and am the victim’s chest by hand.

2. On February 21, 2015, the Defendant attempted to commit indecent act by force against the victim while drinking alcohol at the above heading house on February 21, 2015, and attempted to capture the victim’s finger by inserting his/her hand with the victim’s inner seat, but the victim refused to do so with his/her hand, and the victim did not commit an attempted act by force, even though he/she was in possession of the victim’s neck with his/her hand, and the victim was in possession of the victim’s neck with his/her hand, but the victim did not commit an attempted act without giving his/her humbling and carrying the hum.

3. Interference with business;

A. At the same time and place as set forth in the foregoing paragraph 2, the Defendant, without any particular reason, expressed 3-minutes’ name and unfortunates of customers who drink in other tables, and expressed 30 minutes of a disturbance, such as booming and bringing about for the victim, thereby obstructing the victim’s business by force by having the said customers go without paying the drinking value.

B. On February 26, 2015, the second criminal defendant, at the above heading house around 21:00, expressed, without any particular reason, that “sprinks, as soon as possible, sprinks,” among customers’ names, who drink in other tables, and expressed, “sprinks, sprinks, and as soon as possible,” and expressed, to the victim’s bath, that “sprinks, sprinks, and sprinks,” without any specific reason.