(영문) 대구지방법원 2016.12.01 2016고단4144



1. The defendant A shall be punished by imprisonment with prison labor for not less than three years and six months;

2. Defendant B shall be punished by imprisonment for eight months;

except that this judgment.


Punishment of the crime

"2016 Highest 4144"

1. Joint criminal conduct by Defendant B and Defendant C

(a) No person who has transferred a means of access under the name of K in electronic financial transactions may transfer or acquire the means of access for electronic financial transactions;

Nevertheless, the Defendants and L were asked to recruit the passbook by means of purchasing, etc. the passbook against the loan applicant and sell it to the Ma, etc., which is the solicitation book for the passbook of the Bosing Organization. On May 28, 2014, the Defendants and L received from K to K under the condition that 500,000 won are paid at the entrance of the mountain apartment located in Daegu Northern-dong, Daegu-gu, the passbook’s account under the name of KK (N:N) and cash card and password connected to the Daegu bank account (O: the account number) and then received the passbook, cash card and password from Kwikset Bank account. around that time, the Defendants and L received KRW 80,000 per account by sending the passbook and cash card of the above K’s account to the address.

As a result, Defendants and L conspired to acquire or transfer the means of electronic financial transactions.

(2) No person may transfer or acquire a means of access for electronic financial transactions in B.

The Defendants and L, while soliciting a passbook to sell the Bosing Organization through the above method, opened an account in the name of Defendant B in order to ensure that the supply and demand of the passbook would not take place, intended to sell it to Ma, etc., which is the solicitation book of the passbook of Bosing Organization. On May 2014, the Defendants and L sent a passbook, card, password, etc. connected to the bank account in the name of Defendant B (P) and the Nos.C. (Account Number: Q.) and the Nos. 1888, which was opened on the same day at the end of Daegu, Seo-gu, 2014.