(영문) 전주지방법원 군산지원 2020.04.16 2020고합16




A Imprisonment for a period of one year and two months, each of the defendants B, C, and defendant D shall be punished by imprisonment for a period of ten months.



Punishment of the crime

1. Defendant A

A. From May 29, 2019 to May 01, 2010, the Defendant administered MDMA (MDMA) in a way of drinking alcohol between 24:00 on May 29, 2019 to 01:00 on May 30, 2019, the Defendant administered MDM (MDMA) in the way of drinking alcohol, which was delivered to the female of the birth state in the name-free hotel in the vicinity of the Thailand’s “Sukhvit”.

B. Around June 10, 2019, the Defendant: (a) decided to purchase marijuana from a seller of marijuana who became aware of via the Internet on the site of the French on June 10, 2019; (b) transferred KRW 100,000 to an account of the F Bank in the name of the E; and (c) traded it in the manner of receiving approximately 1g of marijuana from E before the “IO store” located in Y in Y in Y, 23:00 on the same day; (b) around July 5, 2019, the Defendant purchased it from 3:00,000,000 to 3:00,000,000,000 from 1:3:0,000 to 3:00,000,000 from 1:3:0,000 to 3:0,000,000 to 3:0,000,000,00,00.

C. Violation of the Act on the Control of Narcotics, etc. (mariju 1) - On June 11, 2019, around 00:00 on June 11, 2019, the Defendant: (a) placed in plastic pipes containing approximately 1g of the hemp purchased, as described in the foregoing paragraph (b) in the LSP car located near Kasan-si, Gyeongsan-si; and (b) smoked marijuana in a way of spreading the smoke.

2. A defendant who smokes marijuana around July 5, 2019: < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24424, Jul. 5, 2019>