(영문) 대구지방법원 2017.10.13 2017고합160



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for ten years.

The information on the accused is disclosed by means of information and communication network for a period of ten years.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal record] The defendant and the requester for an order to attach an electronic device (hereinafter "defendant") were sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for the crime of rape on October 21, 1997, and five years and six years to imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime at the Seoul High Court on March 24, 200; on June 28, 2005, at the Cheongju District Court on June 28, 2005, for the same crime of violation of the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles from Sexual Abuse (juvenile Rape, etc.); and on January 13, 2016, the execution of the above punishment was completed after being sentenced to six years of imprisonment with prison labor for the same crime at the Changwon District Court on April 22, 2010.

[Criminal facts]

1. A similar rape: (a) on April 13, 2017, the Defendant: (b) stated that “I would find out a military unit’s door; (c) I would like to know the way; and (d) would not know, even if I would know that I would know about I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would know I would you would know I would know I will.

The phrase “the victim was killed in the chief of the passenger car operation.”

The Defendant: (a) went to the area of “camp g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g

At around 20:10 on the same day, the car was parked on the Han-do road near H apartment of the Gyeongdong-gun, Gyeongdong-gun, and the victim was "picked university students", and the width was as soon as adults, and the family and four were refused to do so.

In doing so, it must be noted that four dial-a-a-the-counters have been given money by means of an audit indication, if four dial-a-a-counters have been given in any words. It means, on its own hand, a victim's knife with his knife, and knife his body behind the chief knife with his knife with his knife with his knife with his knife with his knife with his knife,

As “I refuse, I am off the victim’s panty and panty with the word “I ambling.”