(영문) 창원지방법원마산지원 2015.09.16 2015가단3979



1. As to KRW 18,941,370 and KRW 17,873,837 among them, the Defendant (Appointeds) against the Plaintiff (Appointeds) and the Appointed B, 9,519.


1. Basic facts

A. The Plaintiff (Appointed) and the designated parties filed a claim for wage against the non-Mtech Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “non-Mtech”) under the Changwon District Court 2014Kadan15692. The said court rendered a judgment that “Non-Mtech shall pay to the Plaintiff (Appointed Party) KRW 17,873,837, 787,870 to the Appointed, and KRW 7,987,870 to the Selection; KRW 500,000 to the Selection; KRW 3,500,00 to the Selection; KRW 19,879,780 to the Selection; KRW 12,907,245 to the Selection; and damages for delay to the said amount.”

B. On February 23, 2015, the Plaintiff (Appointed) and the designated parties received a seizure and collection order (hereinafter “instant collection order”) from the Changwon District Court Branch Branch 2015TTT917 regarding the claim for the purchase of goods held by IMT against the Defendant. The instant collection order was served on the Defendant, who is the garnishee, on February 27, 2015.

C. The damages for delay by February 15, 2015 for delay by the Plaintiff (Appointed Party) and the appointed parties are KRW 1,067,533, KRW 1,531,920, KRW 50,685, KRW 414,247, KRW 417, KRW 176,447, and KRW 763,826.

A claim for the amount of goods held by IMT against the defendant is KRW 160 million.

[Ground of recognition] Facts without dispute, entry of Gap 1 and 2 evidence, purport of the whole pleadings

2. According to the above facts, the Defendant: (a) based on the collection order of the instant case, 18,941,370 won (i.e., principal KRW 17,873,837,067,533) and KRW 17,873,837; (b) as to KRW 9,519,790 (i.e., principal KRW 7,987,870; KRW 1,531,920); and (c) as to KRW 7,987,870 among them, KRW 550,685 won (= Principal KRW 500,000; KRW 50,685); and (d) as to KRW 50,00,00 among them, KRW 3,914,247,500; and (e) as to KRW 3,500,00,00 for the Appointed; and