(영문) 수원지방법원 안양지원 2017.08.29 2017고단208



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than eight months.


Punishment of the crime

[2017 Highest 208]

1. From around 06:00 on December 18, 2016, the Defendant, from around 06:00 to around 06:05 on the same day, acquired the modern card (credit card number: D) owned by the victim C (the victim 30 years of age) and then embezzled the victim’s property, without following necessary procedures, such as returning it to the victim.

2. On December 18, 2016, the Defendant violated the Act on Financial Business Specializing in Fraud and Credit Business: (a) purchased a stone from the credit card owned by the said C in Ansan-gu, Ansan-si; (b) presented the credit card acquired as if he was his card; and (c) obtained a property amounting to KRW 376,560 on 11 occasions by using the said C-owned credit card as shown in the attached Table 1 sheet for crimes, including by taking one half of the amount equivalent to KRW 219,000 at the market price from the victim G as if he was his card.

Accordingly, the defendant, by deceiving the victims, received property and used lost credit cards.

[2017 Highest 1064]

1. On April 18, 2017, the Defendant and Defendant H conspired with each other to acquire a copy of the e-mail card of a new bank owned by the victim I, who was lost on a road between the department store and the inside department store, located within the 232-ro 20 of the Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu Mayang-gu 2017.

Defendant and Defendant H, as seen above, did not follow necessary procedures such as returning the acquired property to the victim and embezzled the property that he left the possession of the victim.

2. On April 18, 201, the Defendant and Defendant H, in collusion, engaged in fraud, attempted fraud, and breach of the law of credit finance business, committed a new bank acquired from the foregoing 1. Paragraph (1) in the absence of the intent or ability to normally settle the price of the goods at the L convenience store operated by the Victim K in the Manan-guJ at Ansan-si, Ansan-si, 2017.