(영문) 서울중앙지방법원 2015.10.28 2014가단5238334



1. The Defendant: (a) from October 25, 2013, the Plaintiff 16,062,976 won, Plaintiff B, and C respectively, and each of them. < Amended by Presidential Decree No. 24289, Oct. 25, 2013>


1. Occurrence of liability for damages;

A. 1) D is a motor vehicle of E Belgium around October 24, 2013 (hereinafter “Defendant vehicle”). D is a motor vehicle of E Belgium around October 23, 2013.

) When driving the F (hereinafter referred to as “the network”) and driving the vehicle at a speed of about 75.6 km at a speed of about 75.6 km at a speed of 60 km from the area where the intersection of the new Tririririririririririririri Road is strengthened as of the Kimpo-si, Seoul, the speed of which is 60 km from the nine-lane road at a speed of 75.6 km at the speed of the city,

) GObaba (hereinafter referred to as “the instant Obaba”) driven by it.

2) The deceased did not discover the head of the Si/Gun/Gu, and caused the death of the deceased (hereinafter “the instant accident”).

2) The plaintiff A is the deceased's denial, and the plaintiff B and C are the children of the deceased, and the defendant is the insurer who entered into a comprehensive automobile insurance contract with respect to the defendant's vehicle.

[Reasons for Recognition] Facts without dispute, Gap evidence 1, 2, 4, Eul evidence 1-1 to 10, the purport of the whole pleadings

B. According to the above findings of recognition of liability, the defendant is liable to compensate the deceased and the plaintiffs for the damages caused by the accident of this case.

C. At the time of the instant accident, 1D's determination as to whether to limit the Defendant's exemption and liability is expected to turn to the left at the intersection in accordance with the new line of the vehicle operation at the time of the instant accident, and there is no duty of care to take special measures to prevent the occurrence of the accident in advance, and it cannot be deemed that there is a causal relationship between the mistake and the occurrence of the instant accident, on the ground that D violated the speed limit, and thus, the Defendant is not liable for damages.

In general, the driver of a vehicle driving the intersection in which traffic is controlled by signal lights according to green lights is believed to be an appropriate measure to observe traffic regulations and avoid conflicts.