(영문) 대전지방법원 천안지원 2017.07.07 2017고단783 (1)



A defendant shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than one year and six months.


Punishment of the crime

[criminal history] On July 2, 2015, the Defendant was released on January 29, 2016, when he/she was sentenced to imprisonment with prison labor for larceny, larceny, or intrusion on a structure in the Incheon District Court’s Branch, and the parole period expired on March 4, 2016. On November 17, 2016, the Defendant was sentenced to eight months of imprisonment with prison labor for larceny or intrusion on a structure and completed the execution of the sentence on March 4, 2017.

[Criminal facts] 2017 Highest 783

1. On March 13, 2017, the Defendant collected 60,000 won in cash from the Kabro, which is managed by other victims E, in the second floor D dental clinic of the Northern-gu Seoul building in the Yancheon-si, 09:00, and due to cleaning prior to the commencement of medical services and preparation for services of the said hospital, from the gap in cash in the Kabro, managed by other victims E.

In other words, they stolen them.

2. On March 17, 2017, from around 13:00 to around 14:00, the Defendant taken 240,000 won in cash in the Kabro that the employees of the hospital were managing another victim H from the Kabro that the employees of the hospital for the purpose of in-depth death at G G G located in Young-si G located in Young-si, Young-si.

In other words, they stolen them.

3. From March 23, 2017 to around 09:15, the Defendant: (a) at the J Dental located in the Gyeonggi-si I Building B B of the Gyeonggi-si (Seoul-si) 310, the Defendant: (b) received KRW 75,000 in cash, which was kept in the cresh of the cresh of the victim K of the hospital staff, while opening the entrance and opening the entrance; and (c) received KRW 75,00 in cash, which was kept in the cresh in the

In other words, they stolen them.

On March 25, 2017, the Defendant: (a) around 07:58, around 2017, 2017, the Defendant: (b) 769,500 won in cash, which is managed by the victim of dental accidents in the U.S., by intrusion into the entrance of the above dental unit and cleaning the crepan; and (c) 769,50 won in cash, which is managed by the victim of dental accidents in the U.S., in the face of the reception unit.

Summary of Evidence

"2017 Highest 783"

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. Each statement of E, H andO;

1. Each photograph;

1. Each investigation report "2017 Highest 110";

1. Statement by the defendant in court;

1. N’s statement;

1. Application of each statute on photographs;

1. Article 329 of the Criminal Act (the point of view) and Article 329 of the Criminal Act concerning criminal facts, the choice of punishment.